alderiate olaf build

alderiate olaf build

Pyke Twisted Fate Jinx Karthus Katarina Normales y clasificatorias Q Fiddlesticks VS Sam fänboy Kindred will be easy to punish if she tries to go for a mark because you can easily run her down.Lee Sin is one of the early game champions that can contest Olaf. Caitlyn Rek'Sai Teemo Yuumi Nasus So I sometimes take a full clear path that makes the most of his passive. She is tanky enough to stall for another teammates arrival so be careful. Thresh

Garen Singed Cassiopeia Grig Zoe Qiyana Miss Fortune Jayce Aphelios Taric Morgana I play Darius Swain In a 1v1 you will not have a problem fighting him but he can travel the map much faster than you.Sylas's early jungle clear is quite slow and will leave him on very low HP. If you can catch her in the act then make sure to punish her. Rammus If you run into her she will be forced to flash or R or die. Corki Lissandra Zac W Rammus Sion In a teamfight, he will struggle to get much done though.Evelynn is one of the weakest early game Junglers. Feel free to take fights against her but don't expect to kill her. If you find him in his Jungle then you can easily 1v1 him. Ashe Vayne He also gains alot of armour so he is tankier than you think.Elise will struggle to fight you 1v1. Ornn Ziggs She doesn't have enough damage to kill you and is not tanky enough to withstand a beatdown.You can get kited pre 6 so beware. He wants to clear his camps and is very weak early so go and make his life hard in his jungle, because if you can manage to isolate him its a free kill.Hard to punish early game due to his movespeed and tankiness. Thresh Ekko Lux If she has trinity force at quite an early point in the game she may be able to duel you.Zac's early game is very bad. Maestro Vi Q
Blitzcrank Nautilus Swain Veigar I have around 4000 hours played so I have a slight idea on how to play the game. Jinx Jax E Shyvana I hope you have learned something from this guide and If you did then I will consider my job to be a job well done. Sett Anivia

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alderiate olaf build 2020