indice de fécondité portugal

indice de fécondité portugal

At the same time, prices dropped for recreation & culture (-3.1% vs -4.3%); alcoholic beverages & tobacco (-0.3% vs 0.5%); communication (-1.3% vs -4.3%) and education (-0.6%, the same as in April). Indicateur conjoncturel de fécondité, Europe et pays développés. On a monthly basis, consumer prices dropped 1.3 percent, the biggest decline in a year. On a monthly basis, consumer prices went down 0.4%, after a 0.3% increase in April.In Portugal, the inflation rate measures a broad rise or fall in prices that consumers pay for a standard basket of goods. Adakah anda lebih menyukai edisi Bahasa Die von Ihnen als letztes gesehenen Kurse werden hier automatisch angezeigt© 2007-2020 Fusion Media Limited. Restaurants and Hotels account for 8.6 percent, Recreation and Culture for 7.2 percent and Clothing and Footwear for 6.9 percent. TEForecast The most important categories in the Portuguese consumer price index are Food and non-alcoholic beverages (20.8 percent of the total weight), Transport (14 percent), Miscellaneous Goods and Services (10.4 percent) and Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels (10.3 percent). Taux de fécondité : le taux de fécondité à un âge donné (ou pour une tranche d’âges) est le nombre d’enfants nés vivants des femmes de cet âge au cours de l'année, rapporté à la population moyenne de l’année des femmes de même âge. Taux de fécondité par pays dans le monde en 2017 d'après The World Factbook Méthodologie.

Wirtschaftsevents und Inhalte von Autoren zu erhalten, denen Sie folgen Download historical data for 20 million indicators using your browser.Direct access to our calendar releases and historical data. The inflation rate in Portugal edged up to 0.2 percent in July of 2020 from 0.1 percent in June, preliminary estimates showed.
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco, Communication and Education account for the remaining 9.4 percent. 2012=100 Portugal's consumer prices are expected to rise 0.2 percent on year in June 2020, rebounding from a 0.7 percent decline in the previous month, a preliminary estimate showed. Klicken Sie auf die Individuellen Indizes um deren Informationen einzusehen.

It allows API clients to download millions of rows of historical data, to query our real-time economic calendar, subscribe to updates and receive quotes for currencies, commodities, stocks and bonds. Tourism Revenues in Portugal increased to 260.45 EUR Million in May from 202.21 EUR Million in April of 2020. On a monthly basis, consumer prices dropped 1.3 percent, the biggest decline in a year. Ci-dessous est une liste des pays par taux de fécondité, suivant les chiffres donné par la CIA (World Factbook de la CIA), la Banque mondiale et le Bureau du recensement des États-Unis. Hier finden Sie alle Aktien aus Portugal mit Kursen, Performance und weiteren Kriterien, wie Dividendenrendite. Alle aktuellen Aktienkurse des Aktienmarkts Portugal. 1961-2020 Data | 2021-2022 Forecast | Calendar | Historical The main positive contribution came from transport prices (2.3% vs -1.3%). L’Ined s’inscrit dans le renouvellement de la recherche française. Unprocessed food cost will probably increase at a faster pace (5.2 percent vs 5.0 percent), while energy deflation should soften (-7.6 percent vs -10.9 percent). Alle Rechte vorbehalten Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden wenn es um Aktien, Anleihen und Sektotindizes aus Portugal geht. The inflation rate in Portugal edged up to 0.2 percent in July of 2020 from 0.1 percent in June, preliminary estimates showed. Die Informationen beinhalten die aktuellen Kurse, tägliche Höchst- und Tiefstkurse und prozentuale Veränderungen jedes Indexes. Prices of non-processed food are seen posting the biggest gain (4.8 percent) and energy cost the sharpest fall (-5.3 percent). Meanwhile, prices declined further for housing & utilities (-0.9 percent vs -0.8 percent).

The Trading Economics Application Programming Interface (API) provides direct access to our data. In addition, costs fell less for transport (-2% vs -4.2%); clothing & footwear (-5.4% vs -7.3%) and communications (-0.8% vs -1.3%).

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indice de fécondité portugal 2020